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Midnight Mediaeval Thoughts


Valkyries and others

Thousands of pages have been written on the topic of valkyries and shield-maidens and I am sure many more are to come. How could I resist? I have already mentioned some of the following ideas in my…

Queen Geirþruðr

There is, in fact, a chivalric saga, that rather closely follows pregnancy and childbirth: the Bærings saga fagra. The evil Heinrekr kills Geirþruðr's husband and wants to force her into marriage. As…

Daughters in the Rígsþula

Turns out waiting for a baby to burb is not the best time for searching for quotes in primary literature. I've been trying to find some time during the day but there is none. I apologize but for the…

All For Her Sake

The chivalric cultural turn of the Old Norse culture claims the motivation of heroic deeds in the riddarasögur is woken by the duty either to the liege-lord or to the beloved woman. This is confirmed…

So It Begins...

This blog is mostly being written around midnight, while waiting for my newborn daughter to fall asleep. Though the author has a PhD in Old Norse literature, she has come to realize some theories and…
A blog mostly about mediaeval Icelandic literature, Twitter: @ingifridar
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